Friday, October 18, 2013

An Alligator in our Classroom!!

Curt Summerlin came to our class to show us an alligator. The students were more than excited to see this little guy hiss and attempt to bite. He could not because his mouth was taped. He was a bit angry and kept swinging around to strike. 

Some of the questions that the students asked were as follows: 
Where are his nostrils so he can breath? (On top of his snout.)
Why is his mouth taped? (Because he would bite.)
Does he shed? (Yes just scales so not like a snake does.)
How long is he? (3ft so 1yd)
How big do alligators get? (We found one that was 14ft.)
How much did the big one weigh? (About 800 pounds) 
Does he skat? (Yes all animals that eat do.)
Where do the eggs come from? (Females lay the eggs.) 
Is that a boy or girl? (It is hard to tell because it is so young.)
How old is it? (About 2 years old)

The students compared the alligator to what they know about crocodiles. They compared salt and fresh water habitats.  We had a chance to discuss measurement - 3 feet, 1 yard, and to demonstrate how long 14 feet is. They discussed the adaptations of the the alligator's feet, eyes, and nostrils. Then each child came up to the table to touch the gator. It was a fun time for all and the students and my team teachers appreciate so much the "real life" experiences with the alligator that the students will remember forever. What a great way to make the animal unit come alive! 

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