Monday, July 11, 2011

A Mother's Reflection

On July 8th 2011, Nathan has become an adult.  Because all three of my sons are adults now,  it  has caused me to reflect on Nathan's childhood, family, and my life as a mother. I am also very grateful for how well Nathan, Stephen, and Pierce have turned out.

Happy 21st Birthday to Nathan.
Nathan's birth story:
I remember the day he was born like yesterday. I had Braxton-hics contractions from July 3rd until he was born. I had a very busy day on the 7th and I was having stronger contractions off and on all day long. Even though I knew this was different, I was very tired and I came home and went to bed. Stephen couldn't sleep so I got in bed with him. I awoke to a strong contraction early on the morning of the 8th. I knew then that I needed to go to the hospital.  As we were driving to Oktibbeha County Hospital in Starkville, there was a giant full moon low in the western sky. We were driving toward the moon. When we arrived at the hospital, I got out of the car alone and went into the hospital while Nathan's Dad parked the car. The nurses put me in a wheel chair and took me straight into labor and delivery. There were no real breaks between the contractions. Then Dr. Cobb and Nathan's Dad made it into the labor room. A few minutes later the doctor moved me to the delivery room. Immediately after we went into the delivery room, Nathan Bradley Moore was born at 5:45 AM. Nathan was a healthy perfect baby and he scored 10 on the Apgar scale. He was 8 pounds, 14 ounces, and 21 inches long. The entire labor and delivery time at the hospital was 40 minutes!

Nathan coming home, the "Twos", and my joy:
The pediatrician kept us in the hospital an extra day, not because anything was wrong, but Dr. Lyle knew that I now had three children so he gave Nathan and me the extra time to be alone together. When Nathan came home from the hospital he was an easy baby. He was welcomed by his two older brothers Stephen and Pierce who were two and four at the time. They were never  jealous of him and we all piled up together to rock in the recliner. Nathan ate and slept on a great schedule immediately and by the time he was three weeks old he was sleeping through the night. The Lord blessed me with another perfect baby boy. Nathan had great big eyes and he seemed to watch everything around him with intense interest. He would sit and watch his brothers play and they would bring him anything he wanted. He also loved his time on the porch with his Mamaw rocking  while watching squirrels and birds. He would sit there with her sometimes an hour each day! Nathan was my best eater and his size showed it. The Parker family nicknamed him "Chunky". When he stopped his milk only diet, he loved all of the baby food and then he transitioned to table food with no problem. Nathan was so easy going his entire childhood with the exception of his "Terrible Two Year" which started the day after he turned two and lasted until the day after he turned three. Even with his "terrible twos", he was an easy little boy to love. He became very independent later in his childhood as far as going hunting and enjoying time alone in the woods. Even though he likes his time alone, his social skills have always been exceptional.  He can talk to anyone and has always been personable and polite. He makes a great impression with people. Once someone meets Nathan that person feels like they are friends with him. My heart swells every time I see him. I love him so much and he makes me so proud. He has been a joy for me his entire life!!

Nathan, Stephen and Pierce have a very close bond. Each of them are very protective and loyal to one another. All of them became Christians at a young age and were baptized at Olive Branch First Baptist Church. All three of them are presently members of Brooksville Baptist Church. I am so thankful that each one became Christians at a young age. I am proud of the sweet and respectful children that they were and I am also proud of the good men that they have become. I am blessed to have all three wonderful sons. It is a blessing what good brothers that they are to one another. They are each very special and gifted young men. They take great joy in one another's achievements. They help each other achieve. They are ambitious and hard working but no matter what successes are achieved; their Christian hearts and brotherly love is the biggest blessing and success of all.

Grandparents, Mamaw, uncles, aunts, cousins and Stepdad:
Pierce, Stephen and Nathan are so blessed with very special times with their grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins, their Mamaw, and Matt. We have all been blessed to have such a close family. My parents and Mamaw have been there for me and my children. Each one of my boys have had so many precious moments that they will always remember with their Grandmama and Grandaddy Heard and Mamaw Brown. They love the meals, talks, advice, fun times, and unconditional love that they have every time they are with their Grandaddy and Grandmama. Their Uncles Tiny and Keith are supportive guides. Lou and Chrissy are wonderful aunts. The entire family is a safety net. The boys and their cousins get along well and they have a great bond that should never be broken. Grandma Marianne is positive, fun, and loving. The boys have enjoyed getting to know her. Mike has been a fun buddy for them. Matt's entire family is so wonderful. Matt has been so selfless and loving. He never missed a beat taking care of Stephen and Nathan. He is a great father and husband. Matt loves me and he wants to help make all three of our sons lives as happy as possible. I am so thankful that Matt can show our sons how to treat a wife.

My Blessing and thankful heart:
The Lord has blessed me with three wonderful sons. I have always wanted to be there for every important event in their lives and I also want to be with all three of them every minute that I can be with them. I am so thankful that I was able to be a stay at home mom and be with Pierce, Stephen, and Nathan for every day of their lives when they were small. When they were school age I was able to pick them up from school and spend every moment that I possibly could with them. I did not miss a thing when they were with me. Any time that the boys and I have spent apart is time that I have missed each of them with all my heart. Each and every event and moment in my children's lives have been a joy to me. I am so grateful that I have been there and I will always be there for each one of them. I was there for the first breath, the first cry, the first time to roll over, first time to sit up, first time to stand, first words, first steps, first time to swim, first ride on a bike, first day of school, first field trip, first school play, first tooth lost, first baseball hit, first catch, first punch thrown, first time in "big church", Salvation, Baptism, first time to ski and knee board, first touchdown, first basketball goal made, first time to drive, first squirrel, first deer, first crushes, first jobs, and on and on..... I am so thankful for every special minute that I have had with my children. I am looking forward to many more firsts to come. My heart floods with love and thanksgiving each time I see Pierce, Stephen, and Nathan. I love and cherish every minute of being a Mother.

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